Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Contact Centre Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Secrets Revealed

The secrets behind customer satisfaction and customer loyalty is a happy workforce, according to research by ORC International. Everything from printed lanyards UK to promotional gifts are great at maintaining customer satisfaction and loyalty, but there are many other things that can be done too.

Research by ORC International, the leading global research group, found a link between employment engagement and customer satisfaction in local Government. Simply put, a happier workforce has a direct co-relation on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. It studied 50 local authorities to reveal the positive impact an engaged workforce has on customer satisfaction – the first evidence of its kind in the public sector. The findings can help inform effective contact centre customer satisfaction and customer loyalty approaches.

Contact Centre Customer Satisfaction

Contact centre customer satisfaction and customer loyalty is a hot topic for the call centre industry. Call centres and contact centres have repeatedly been in the firing line over the issue of customer satisfaction. In fact, a major report from Citizens Advice detailed feelings of stress and frustration when it came to call centres and contact centres. The Hanging on the Telephone report catalogued widespread discontent when it came to customer satisfaction. 

Customer Satisfaction Encourages Customer Loyalty

To reach its conclusions, ORC International mapped 50 local authority best value performance indicators against key questions from employee surveys. The best value performance indicators are statutory for all local authorities. This data alongside employee survey data allowed ORC International to find direct correlations between customer satisfaction and employee engagement.
“Improving citizen satisfaction is an ongoing challenge for local authorities across the UK and it is often assumed that the key to this lies in increased spending,” said Richard Abraham, Head of Public Services Research at ORC International. “Our research shows that in fact, great improvements can be achieved by improving management skills and internal communication.”

Motivated Staff for Business Success

Contact centre customer satisfaction is crucial for customer loyalty. Keeping staff motivated is simply good for business. A motivated workforce results in higher productivity and profit margins. And in the service industry, such as the contact centre and call centre sector, motivated staff who provide better customer service and encourage long-term customer loyalty are vital. And staff who are motivated are more likely to stay with their employer, helping reduce recruitment and training costs as well as developing an experienced workforce for long-term success.

Employee Engagement Impacts on Customer Satisfaction

The results of the research showed that certain areas of employee engagement directly impact on customer satisfaction. The statement: 'I am treated with fairness and respect at work' was found to have the strongest correlation to achieving motivated employees and customer satisfaction. As well as developing a fair and respectful internal culture, employee awareness of long term goals and pride in their workplace were high on the list. For the contact centre industry looking to develop customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, the research highlights the importance of a supportive culture for call centre staff, clear leadership and the importance of a strong organisational brand image that staff can take pride in.

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